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Phone Interview

Evaluating the Company Based on a Telephone Interview:

When the phone interview is over, think about your reaction to the interviewer. Did he or she call you at the time arranged? If the call was late (by more than five minutes or so) did the interviewer apologize for the delay? Did you feel rapport with the interviewer? How long did the phone call last? Did the interviewer answer your questions satisfactorily? At the end of the interview, what next steps did you and the interviewers agree upon? Jot down the answers to these questions, and any other impressions you formed during the conversation, and relay them to me.

In Person: Greeting and Talking:

  • Make sure your attire is neat and clean. You cannot make a mistake wearing a suit nor a sport coat and tie. You are the outsider; if your dress is more formal than the interviewer’s it’s not a problem. It CAN be a problem when the interviewer is more formally dressed than you. I have a thing about shoes. Make sure they are polished. If your heels are rounded off from wear, take corrective action before the interview. Better yet, invest two bucks and have your shoe repair store attach some heel guards. A common complaint from interviewers about applicants is the use of strong-smelling perfume or after-shave. It's better to leave off perfume or cologne, and to make sure that scents from deodorant and after-shave lotion are subtle and non-intrusive (check by asking your friends).
  • Make direct eye contact and apply a firm handshake during a personal interview. Learn the interviewer’s name and use it when you respond to questions. When answering questions, express yourself with enthusiasm. We all have different personalities, but if you’re not enthusiastic about working for the firm, why should they hire you?
  • In person and during an initial phone screen, speak clearly and be expressive. On the phone only your voice is representing you, so work at making it sound inviting and articulate. Eliminate – by practicing beforehand – the annoying verbal tics and crutches we all use: “uh,” “and uh,” “you know.” Don’t swear and avoid slang.

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I believe that by becoming a Partner in the process of growth, loaded with the knowledge of pipeline, research, core values and culture of a client along the details of the open position is where we can make a positive impact of getting new technology to the market...."

-- Jamie Riley


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